Changing Cropping Pattern, Agricultural Diversification and Productivity in Odisha – A District-wise Study

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The paper examines the structure and nature of cropping pattern, crop diversification, crop concentration, productivity level and inter-districts disparity in the state of Odisha based on the secondary data collected for the period 1980 – 2005 from different published sources. The study has used Herfindahl index, location quotient, Gini coefficient and panel data regression for analysis. The study has revealed that most of the districts in Odisha are experiencing a lateral movement towards crop specialization and crop diversification is seen only in tribal-dominated / technologically less-developed districts. The study has observed a reduction in inequality during the studied period and has concluded that districts in Odisha are converging as far as agricultural productivity is concerned. The study has identified the major determinants of agricultural productivity in Odisha and has suggested some policy measures for increasing agricultural productivity in the state.

Agricultural Economics Research Review, 29(1) pp.93-104
This study has identified the major determinants and disparity of agricultural productivity among districts of Odisha during 1980-2005, and has suggested some policy measures for increasing agricultural productivity in the state.
Nayak, D.K.
Nayak, D.K.

My research interests include Fiscal Risk Analysis; Public Finance issues in Union, States and Local Bodies; Public Policy and Impact Evaluation; Growth, Inflation and External Sector Analysis; Financial Globalisation; Agrarian Change; Inequality and Regional Disparity.