Impact of CCT on Up-taking Improved Healthcare Services among the Pregnant Women Labourers Evidence from MMSSPSY, Madhya Pradesh

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Madhya Pradesh Government has been implementing a state-specific conditional cash transfer scheme for the registered women labourers, the Mukhya Mantri Shramik Seva (Prasuti Sahayata) Yojana (MMSSPSY), since 2018. Given the underlying importance of the scheme towards the overall improvement of the health of pregnant women (PW), newborn babies, and mothers, the study focuses on analysing the extent to which MMSSPSY has led to an uptake of improved nutritional and healthcare services among the registered (PW) labourers. It also analyses the implementation and governance issues such as scheme awareness, fund flow (design and delay), expenditure profile, and perception of frontline health personals about the scheme implementation.

NHM, Madhya Pradesh
Nayak, D.K.
Nayak, D.K.

My research interests include Fiscal Risk Analysis; Public Finance issues in Union, States and Local Bodies; Public Policy and Impact Evaluation; Growth, Inflation and External Sector Analysis; Financial Globalisation; Agrarian Change; Inequality and Regional Disparity.