Economy Regeneration Through Act East (Purvodaya) Policy

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The prospect of the Purvodaya Mission through economy regeneration by growth of steel industry in terms of such a hub would lead to significant employment opportunities across the entire value chain and will play a significant role in overall socio-economic growth of eastern India, thus, reducing the disparity between the east and other regions of the country.

In Purvodaya: The Rise of Opportunities, Vol.I, Issue No.1, November – December 2021
Bilingual Bulletin published by Institute of Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS), India
Nayak, D.K.
Nayak, D.K.

My research interests include Fiscal Risk Analysis; Public Finance issues in Union, States and Local Bodies; Public Policy and Impact Evaluation; Growth, Inflation and External Sector Analysis; Financial Globalisation; Agrarian Change; Inequality and Regional Disparity.